Collection and Use of Third-Party SDKs
To ensure the implementation of related functions of PEPLIVE and the safe and stable operation of the app, we may access SDKs provided by third parties to implement related functions. The third-party SDKs we access serve the needs of you and other users, so we may adjust the third-party SDKs we access to meet new service requirements and changes in service functions. Of course, we will keep you updated on access to third-party SDKs in this description.
1. Log In
sdk Facebook
Manufacturer Meta
Purpose of Use Log in and complete user profile
Collected Information OpenID, username, profile photo
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API Apple
Manufacturer Apple
Purpose of Use Log in and complete user profile
Collected Information OpenID, username
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Sdk Tiktok
Manufacturer Tiktok
Purpose of Use Log in and complete user profile
Collected Information OpenID, username,profile,photo
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2. SMS and Messages
sdk CommseEase
Manufacturer CommseEase
Purpose of Use IM instant messaging
Collected Information Device info
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sdk Firebase
Manufacturer Google
Purpose of Use  Android push
Collected Information Device info
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3. Storage
sdk Qiniu
Manufacturer Qiniu Cloud
Purpose of Use Image storage and audio file storage
Collected Information Images and audio files
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4. Audio
sdk Agora
Manufacturer Agora
Purpose of Use Voice calls
Collected Information Network type, user local IP address, WIFI and cellular network signal status, operating system, device model, CPU, memory, device power, audio stream data, Bluetooth, network delay, packet loss rate, bit rate, resolution, audio bit rate, sample rate
Privacy Policy
5. Social sharing
sdk ShareSDK
Manufacturer MobTech
Purpose of Use Provide socialized sharing services
Collected Information Realize socialized sharing and usage。 Used to achieve reading, writing, and sharing functions for images, videos, and audio
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